"...Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth." V, from V for Vendetta (film)

Thursday 12 April 2012

Yay! Mid-Teenage Crises!

I'm bisexual. I'm quite happy about this - for some reason it makes me feel as if I've accomplished something. I have no idea why.
It's curious, being bi. I feel as if whenever I walk down the street, I'm looking at everyone I see - looking to see if they're attractive or not, and if they are, looking to see if I 'would' or not - i.e. if they're within my age range. :)
It's not meant to be perverted. Just a subconscious thing, and sometimes I feel bad about it. As if my constant 'checking out' is almost a harassment of sorts. It's worse, though, at school. I go to an all girls school, and to be honest, it's just weird looking at any of them in even a remotely sexual way. They're my friends. And if they're not my friends, they're people I find obnoxious or childish or just plain irritating. But more importantly - they're straight.
Well, about 90% of them are. And the ten per cent that aren't are kind of intimidating. Or I just don't like them. :P Yeah, I dislike a lot of people.
So it's weird to even think about thinking of anyone at my school in a vaguely sexual way. Though there is one girl who I'm fairly sure I'm actually in love with, but as Yossarian of 'Catch-22' does, I think that I fall in love with nearly everyone I meet. Though the only difference with this girl is that I've stayed in love with her. Possibly because I usually just admire her from afar... but still. Although, now I think about it, I don't think about her in a sexual way either.
I didn't think about my first (and only) boyfriend sexually either. I don't think I've ever thought about anyone sexually. Apart from maybe when I was seven and I had this massive crush on this one guy and I kept on kissing him. But I was seven!
How is it that I was more sexual at seven than at sixteen?
Eww. The thought of sex (or kissing, or blowjobs, or handjobs), are kind of just repulsive. Sex is a bit gross... isn't it? It's like... This guy secretes some weird fluid (that contains about a trillion different babies) into your private girl-bits, and then if you're lucky you get to secrete some equally icky fluid (but this time it doesn't contain a trillion different lives.)
And it's really personal. Like, they get seriously in your personal bubble. I don't know if I could deal with that :/ There would have to be some serious trust going on before I let anyone press their naked body up against my naked body? Or even just let their tongue into my mouth. Eww... someone else's saliva IN my mouth? It would stay there for two weeks! I'd have someone else's saliva in my system for two weeks!
Excuse me while I retch :/
But it's weird. Nearly everyone I know has had some sort of sexual thought about someone else- whether it's Ian Somerhalder or the boy next door or even the girl next door. Their sexual experience is irrelevant; the fact remains that almost everyone I know has wanted someone.
Does that make me weird, or a slow developer? Or am I just asexual? Hell, I could be biromantic (a silly word for someone who can love any gender or type, but not sexually)
Crap. I can't have a mid-teenage crisis on a blog!
I oughtn't to be having a mid-teenage crisis full-stop.
Bah. Take it as it comes, right? For now, I'm sticking with bisexuality :)
Peace, my babies,

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