I nearly got hit by a bus today. A great big double-decker one.
It was... scary.
And when I say scary, I don't mean in the: 'ohmygodI'mgoingtoDIE' kind of way, but in the: 'holyshitnotagainthisisgoingtofuckingHURT' kind of way.
This is the second time. I was once crossing the road at a yellow light, and a minivan was speeding and I wasn't looking and it hit me and it was right before my end of year exams last year and it hurt and I was so freaked out and I just wouldn't stop crying. It wasn't even on purpose, I just felt really panicked and the tears kept on falling- I didn't mean for or want them to fall :/
So yeah, the same happened today, but with less tears and no collision.
I need to be a bit less careless. It's going to really hurt one day...
Paha. As if. I always forget to take care. I guess you could say I'm the overly reckless type. :P x
Tara, you're such a NOOB! What the frick would I do if you went and DIED??? Who would I HUG??? Don't go get hit by another bus... that would seriously suck... I'd freaking miss you so freaking muchly!!! :(