"...Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth." V, from V for Vendetta (film)

Saturday 10 March 2012

School And Teachers Cause Spaz Attacks (Of The Worst Kind)

Well hi there. I've missed typing this. It's been far too long :/ Roughly... 41 days since my last post. I'm sorry :(
So... What's up? I've been unreasonably busy. First it was mocks (but we all knew about those, didn't we?) then it was sit-in-corner-and-cry-until-results-come-in time (which was even more stressful than taking the damn things), then there was half-term where I sat at home and got fat on cookies and chocolate and chick flicks (Whoopwhoop for being single on Valentine's Day!) then I had history assessments to panic over and almost fail, and then there was English coursework, which was so monstrously difficult and scary and upsetting that I think I died.
But yeah. Thankfully, English coursework week is now finished and I only have to look at it again on Wednesday, which is when my lovely English teacher (who is so ridiculously attractive that she's got the entire (all girl) class crushing on her) will sit me down and carefully and meticulously tear all of my hard work down, explaining exactly why it's complete shit, all the while looking at me with those gorgeously eyelinered brown eyes of hers.
Damn her. Damn her for being so hot. :/
It's not even bisexual little me, though. It's everyone in my English class- even the ones who are so painfully determinedly straight that even hugs are kindofawkward for them :( That woman is just too attractive, and the cute figure-shaping dresses she wears (as well as the KILLER HEELS) just do not help. Apparently, one of my friends saw her in a bikini on a ski trip to... somewhere in America. I was jealous. I still am. Although, to be honest, if I did see her in a bikini, I'd probably lose all concentration in lessons. It's hard enough as it is. I feel so awkward when I start being perverted (like now). I've not even kissed anyone yet. Also- she has an 'other half'. Who apparently she met in university seven years ago and they've been together(FOREVER) since. So yeah. I feel creepy and awkward and kind of weird.

It's really annoying how most of my teachers have such amazing romantic lives. My biology teacher saved his wife's life before they'd even been properly introduced, and then they were, and she was all 'Hey, you saved me' and he was like 'Uh, yeah, I guess I did' and then they had an epic love and got married in the autumn this year and he's still ridiculously happy about the fact that he's married and after he actually got married he came into school and we teased him about the fact that he was married and 'tied down', and do you know what that man did? He laughed and did a happy dance. My biology teacher did a little happy jig in the middle of the lab just because he was finally married. Gah. He's too adorable.
Also, I had seen him with someone before and my friend told me that that was probably his wife and I got so excited because THEYWEREBOTHGINGER and can you imagine the adorable redheaded babies they would have made? But then he was like, 'Oh yeah, this is just my friend of like, a billion years- my actual wife is Indian'
And I don't have a problem with him marrying an Asian person- but whatawaste! All his cute ginger features will disappear and be completely wiped out by the all powerful dominant genes of the Asian. :/

Okay. >_>



I love that program and I love Benedict Cumberbatch and I'm very very very proud to state that I am completely and irrevocably a Cumberbitch.
And his cheekbones... **drools**
Uh, yeah. Just wanted to share that with you. :) xx
Peace, my darlings.

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